No Wednesday Service due to inclement weather
Following singing, we take a short time to share announcements and news. This is an informal family time to get caught up on what’s happening in our church. If you hear something that interests you, check the Information Area, call the church at 423-636-2607 or check the calendar page on our website for more information.
Prayer is offered after service. If you have a need, the prayer team is always available to pray with you and provide whatever guidance they can. We encourage you to use this opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you through our prayer ministry.
We see our offering as an act of joyous worship. God calls upon us to give cheerfully, so we never put pressure on people to give. Whether our gift is from our lips, our lives, or our wallets, it must be a free-will offering. If you do give, we treat it as a gift to God and will seek to be good stewards of it. We do not pass an offering plate during any service. There is however, an offering box in the sanctuary and at the information area for your convenience.
We begin our services with a time of worship through music and singing. You’ll notice that most of the music is contemporary in style and arrangement with a blend of traditional hymns. Our focus is to offer our worship and praises to God.
The Morning Message
Part of the mission of Calvary Chapel is the simple and straightforward study of the Bible. We typically cover an entire book over several weeks; progressing chapter by chapter, verse by verse. We occasionally take the time to focus on topics that relate to the Christian life, but these are reserved for special seasons of the year or times of need in the life of our church. Chances are you will hear a message on Sunday morning that is a part of a larger series of messages on a particular book of the Bible.
It is important to the ministry team at Calvary Chapel that our Sunday service not be the typical ‘church thing’. The church is not a building; it is people who share a common faith, mission and destiny. Thus, we encourage the congregation to “hang out” after the service at the Master’s Blend Café and enjoy each other’s fellowship.

ready to meet with us?

Calvary Chapel Greeneville has something for everyone in your family. Wherever you are in life, we have a place for you to connect with God and other people just like you.
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