No Wednesday Service due to inclement weather
Here at Calvary Chapel Greeneville we want to help you understand what makes our church different from other churches. Therefore, we created the Get To Know Calvary Classes.

These classes are primarily aimed at helping those of you that are new to Calvary understand what we teach, and why. However, the classes are open to anyone who wants to attend.
The classes are divided into three different sessions, and comprise of 14 different topics. The sessions will be taught each week for three Sundays in the month of September 15, 22 and 29. Classes are held in the High School Classroom at 8:45 AM - 9:30AM.

Session #1
1. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. (The work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life)
2. Building the church God’s way.
3. Grace upon Grace. (Forgiveness and our attitude toward others)
4. The priority of the Word.
5. Centrality of Christ. (All about how we worship)

Session #2
1. The Rapture of the Church. ( Are we pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation?)
2. Having begun in the Sprit.
3. The supremacy of Love. (The importance of showing love, even when it’s  hard)
4.  Striking the Balance. (Not dividing the church over non-essential items)
5.  Ventures in Faith. (Stepping out in faith)

Session #3
1. Church Government. (Who makes the big decisions)
2. Water Baptism. (Why,  and how we do it)
3. Communion. (What does it all mean?)
4. Marriage. (It’s ordained by God, but how do we do it?)
We ask that you sign up at the Information area or register below